cosine interessanti hanno preso a saltellare per la stanza...
eccone alcune,quelle che si son lasciate ritrarre,mettendosi in posa ....
La giacchina di jeans sceglierà un'allegro vestitino ed i suoi accessori
rosa-pink anni '50
o preferirà la delicatezza del verde acqua
di una lunga gonna romantica con la magliettina preziosa e il foulard-fiocco di seta
per trascorrere questo primo giorno di maggio?
Oggi, oltre ad essere una giornata colorata,
è anche una giornata di festa
una festa importante,
è la festa dei lavoratori,
dei diritti duramente conquistati
e della loro difesa...

Le fate festeggiano questa giornata
con una frase tratta da "FURORE" di John Steinbeck :
" Non ho idee molto chiare,ci son troppe cose che non so...
Un uomo non ha un'anima, ma solo un pezzetto di una grande anima.
Una grande anima che appartiene a tutti quanti...
Sarò ovunque.
Ovunque tu guardi .
Là dove si lotta perché gli affamati abbiano da mangiare,
io ci sarò.
Nelle risate dei bambini che hanno fame ridono perché sanno che la cena è pronta.
E quando la gente mangerà i prodotti della propria terra.
E vivrà nella casa che si è costruita.
io ci sarò
e una canzone
Bruce Springsteen
Men walkin' 'long the railroad tracks
Goin' some place, there's no goin' back
Highway Patrol choppers comin' up over the ridge
Hot soup on a campfire under the bridge
Shelter line stretchin' round the corner
Welcome to the new world order
Families sleepin' in their cars in the southwest
No home, no Job, no peace, no rest
The highway is alive tonight
But nobody's kiddin' nobody about where it goes
I'm sitting down here in the campfire light
Searchin' for the ghost of Tom Joad
He pulls prayer book out of his sleepin' bag
Preacher lights up a butt and takes a drag
Waitin' for when the last shall be first and the first shall be last
In a cardboard box 'neath the underpass
Got a one way ticket to the promised land
You got a hole in your belly and a gun in your hand
sleeping on a pillow of solid rock
Bathing in the city aqueduct
The highway is alive tonight
Where it's headed everybody knows
I'm sittin' down here in the campfire light
Waitin' on the ghost of Tom Joad
Now Tom Said; "Mom, wherever there's a cop beatin' a guy
Wherever a hungry new born baby cries
Where there's a fight 'gainst the blood and hatred in the air
Look for me mom I'll be there
Wherever there's somebody fightin' for a place to stand
Or decent job or a helpin' hand
Wherever somebody's strugglin' to be free
Look in their eyes mom you'll see me."
Well the highway is alive tonight
But nobody's kiddin' nobody about where it goes
I'm sitting down here in the campfire light
Searchin' for the ghost of Tom Joad
Goin' some place, there's no goin' back
Highway Patrol choppers comin' up over the ridge
Hot soup on a campfire under the bridge
Shelter line stretchin' round the corner
Welcome to the new world order
Families sleepin' in their cars in the southwest
No home, no Job, no peace, no rest
The highway is alive tonight
But nobody's kiddin' nobody about where it goes
I'm sitting down here in the campfire light
Searchin' for the ghost of Tom Joad
He pulls prayer book out of his sleepin' bag
Preacher lights up a butt and takes a drag
Waitin' for when the last shall be first and the first shall be last
In a cardboard box 'neath the underpass
Got a one way ticket to the promised land
You got a hole in your belly and a gun in your hand
sleeping on a pillow of solid rock
Bathing in the city aqueduct
The highway is alive tonight
Where it's headed everybody knows
I'm sittin' down here in the campfire light
Waitin' on the ghost of Tom Joad
Now Tom Said; "Mom, wherever there's a cop beatin' a guy
Wherever a hungry new born baby cries
Where there's a fight 'gainst the blood and hatred in the air
Look for me mom I'll be there
Wherever there's somebody fightin' for a place to stand
Or decent job or a helpin' hand
Wherever somebody's strugglin' to be free
Look in their eyes mom you'll see me."
Well the highway is alive tonight
But nobody's kiddin' nobody about where it goes
I'm sitting down here in the campfire light
Searchin' for the ghost of Tom Joad
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se di quà sei passato e un leggero pensiero vuoi lasciare,
sussurra le tue parole al vento,
le fate lo sentiranno....